↗️Print Statement

Print Statement:


Whale <message>

Explanation: The Whale statement in Animal-Script is used to print a message to the console. The syntax consists of two components:

  1. Whale: This keyword initiates the print statement.

  2. <message>: This is the message that will be printed to the console. It can be a string literal or a variable containing a string value.


Whale "Hello"

In this example, the message "Hello" will be printed to the console.


Whale says: Hello

The Whale statement is followed by "says:" and then the message.


  • The Whale statement is useful for displaying messages, variable values, or any other information to the user during program execution.

  • It can be used for debugging purposes to track the flow of the program and check the values of variables at different stages.

  • The Whale statement is versatile and can be used in various contexts within the Animal-Script code to provide informative output to the user or developer.

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